Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Is enough, enough?

Is there a point when you can't sustain the raised hopes any longer?

We received a call from our case worker today, and she said that the case worker for the child that was available was being "difficult" (my word), and our chances were somewhere between slim and none.

And, the Adopt US Kids website is not showing much in the way of children that meet our desires...which is probably a good thing overall, but a bit frustrating to us.

Yet still, we trudge ever onward.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Well, we had about given up on Adoption. And then last week we were contacted by our case worker regarding a 2 month old girl that might be up for adoption.

So, the excitement is built back up again. We know that the odds are long against us, but we're praying!!!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

If at first you don't succeed...

Well, since the well for adoption has dried up, we are going to start the process to become licensed as a Foster Care home. At least this way we can help out, and who knows. Something might work out.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Hey, did you hear the one about the...

Nevermind. We are still in a waiting cycle. We went to the adoption party/event/thingee and had a blast. There were some children there that we were interested in, but they were boys. When we talked it over with Matt and Isaiah, they shot it down real quick. They want a big SISTER, and no boy will do.

So, still we wait. It will happen in God's appointed time, and nothing we do will make that change.

However, we'll keep you updated when things change.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Keep your chin up!

Next week is an adoption party in Tucson. We are still in a waiting cycle. Some days we think about it, but most days we are in our work-home-bed routine.

Still waiting for that phone call!

Saturday, March 7, 2009


We have had a couple of "hits" so far, but both were a wash. One girl decided she didn't want to be adopted, and the other one wasn't a good match with our two boys.

So the waiting continues. We strive to not get discouraged, but occasionally we end up a little down. Overall it's a good thing there are not more older children available for adoption, I guess.