Thursday, January 10, 2008

Do we do it?

Is this the right thing? Do we really want another child? Is it in God's plan for us to have another child? Am I talking to myself?

I started on this journey during the Christmas music season. I was listening to a local Christian radio station and heard this wonderfully tear-jerking song about a boy's letter to Santa and all he wanted was a family.

Lately, everywhere I look, I see indicators pointing down this road. Listening on the radio I hear Focus On The Family do a show on it today and it really starts me thinking and praying for guidance on this endeavor.

Tonight after work, I started looking at adoption sites online and now I'm totally overwhelmed. Yessika has hinted that she would like to adopt another child for quite a while now. Oh, I figured out what that song was that set this whole thing in motion. It's called "All I Need," and it's by Steven Curtis Chapman. I found a video of it on YouTube.

He also has another song video on YouTube that directly speaks to the adoption issue.

So, now we study and pray for guidance. It is almost "sexy" lately to adopt a foreign child, but there are 140,000+ children in the US Foster Child system that need homes too.

My heart goes out to these "local" children who are almost forgotten in a foster program never designed to hold so many for so long.

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