Thursday, July 3, 2008

Oh, the pain of waiting...

Well, what's taking so long? We finished the classes like days ago already. C'mon! ;)

Actually, we talked with our licensing rep last week and she said she was finishing up the Home Study, and trying to find another reference, since some un-named individual didn't send back the one she mailed them. She was going to submit everything to her supervisor and once it was signed off, submit it to the court for approval.

Cross your fingers. We are looking at children on and getting really excited again.

Happy 4th of July to you all!!!!!

1 comment:

marna said...

Hi David - It will come - in God's time- I know it is so very hard to wait. You have taken the time and thoughtfulness necessary to make the very big decision to bring another child into your lives. You have gone to all the required classes, read all the material, done all the exercises, filled out all the application forms, done the home study, gotten to know the agency, the social workers, and on and on. It does seem like an endless process when you are in the midst of it.

My husband and I went through the foster parent training process, albeit from a different route. We had raised our family and were looking to help out kids who needed a safe home while getting ready to go back to a safer home situation or move on to adoption. We got involved when a friend of ours knew a therapist who needed a home for a 16 yr old mom and baby. So we started as child specific foster parents and then took the course when that placement went bust. It hadn't been successful, but the teen realized here that she did not want to be a mother and put the baby up for adoption at her next foster home.

The experience made us realize we wanted to help more children. That and the fact that everywhere we turned fostering was in our face - on tv, in magazines , in newspaper articles - it just was there constantly - or so it seemed to us. We took it as a sign from God that it was what we were supposed to do.

So we went through the whole process you have been going through. I'm not sure how much you would want to hear about another family's journey - suffice it to say, even though we were older, had raised our kids, and were only looking to help out kids, we got taken!!! So totally taken!!! A little 2 1/2 yr old Cambodian girl arrived on our doorstep the day after Christmas, 1996. What can I say - eventually, she just didn't want to leave, we went though absolute hell with Social Services, it was a very long journey, one I wouldn't trade for anything. We adopted this absolutely beautiful
and wonderful girl when she was 12!

It will happen, it will. There are so many children out there waiting for loving homes such as yours. I have been reading your journey and almost wrote a comment a few weeks ago. Got busy and forgot about it - thought I'd check in and see how it's going for you. Thought you could use some encouraging words.

Your child is somewhere out there waiting for you, also. The match has to be the right one for both of you. When the time is right, it will be the perfect match.

God be with you and your family during this trying time.