The end of 2010 saw the fading of our hopes for Adoption from the AZ Foster Care system. It just didn't seem right, and nothing was working out.
So, we put that aside and pushed on with the family that we had, dealing with day-to-day issues.
Well, Matthew is a Senior this year and Isaiah is a Sophomore.
Through recent interactions with a family who has adopted successfully from the Foster Care system, we are looking at the process through different eyes.
At the family's recommendation, we contact AASK (Aid to Adoption of Special Kids), another agency that works with the State of Arizona.
We attended an orientation meeting, and filled out the initial application packet. Because we completed the PS-MAPP training back in 2008, we do not need to take it again. But we would need refresher training.
My wife is getting excited again. Hopefully the results will be different, since we are focusing on Foster Care first, and maybe Adoption if it works out.
Please pray for us!
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