Saturday, June 14, 2008

Perspectives in Foster & Adoptive Parenting

Class 9! One more week to go. This was a short class, too. We focused on partnership building and teamwork skills.

We went through a lot of the options and resources that are available. And, reinforced again how everyone should work together with a common goal in mind...the needs of the child.

We learned about communication and the three main parts of communication. What I didn't know was the percentages of information that is passed by each part.

Verbal communication accounts for 7% of information
Paraverbal (Written and otherwise) 38%
Nonberbal (body language) 55% of communication.

Wow. And the body language is the first thing a child learns. I guess mom was right when she used to talk to me about posture and how you stand when you talk, etc.

We learned about concurrent planning, how you might have Plan A as the goal, but you also have Plans B-J on the burner in case something doesn't work out with the first one. We also talked about permanency planning.

The closer we get, the more real it becomes. The bigger the butterflies become and the more we start in on the "What if's".

Also, our case worker was there to observe for a while, and she asked if we would consider two girls for placement, instead of one. It seems there are a couple of sibling groups that need placement. Not sure if we want to do that one. Still thinking and praying about that one.

Our homework this week is quite lengthly. We have a lot of strengths and needs items to go over, as well as scenario items to work through. Next week is the last class.

I'm not sure if the class has been a positive or a negative experience. It has sure opened our eyes to society and problems. One can dwell on the horror of it all, or assimilate it and keep on the sunny side.

Praise God and put on the emotional flak jackets. We're goin' in!

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